My Love Affair with Pop Culture

by Chiron O'Keefe.

Being asked to join the Pop Culture Divas is such a thrill for me. Books, movies, television and music are definitely the finer things in life! Like chocolate, I crave frequent tastes to keep my appetite satisfied.

My foray into pop culture began when I was still a child. At age 11 my mom gifted me with the entire series of Oz books by L. Frank Baum. I still remember that tingle of pleasure, staring at the open box stuffed full of stories just waiting to be read. My mom was a gypsy at heart, which meant we packed up and moved frequently. My first real home was nestled deep within the Land of Oz, where I shared adventures with Dorothy and the Wizard, Toto and Dorothy's pink kitty, Eureka.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Oz became real to me, so much so that I would concentrate with all the might an eleven-year old can muster up, believing firmly that Glinda the Good would read of me in her magic book and whisk me away to the home of my dreams.

I went on to delight in all the Beverly Cleary books, Edward Eager's tales of magic, the adventures of Trixie Belden, and of course, Nancy Drew, along with pretty much everything else I could grab. *grin* I also gobbled up any and all books checked out by my mom at the most amazing of places: The Library.

One vivid memory is when I tried to check out a stack of books, many of which were oriented for readers many years older than me. The librarian balked, only to be set upon by my furious mother. Within short order the restrictions were lifted. Not only could I check out any books I desired, the usual 'three books only' rule had been erased. Heaven!!

Movies became my next passion in life. When I first saw In Like Flint, starring James Coburn, my youthful heart went pitter-pat. I decided then and there to find my own brilliant, super-spy love. *laughs* Our family television ran classic movies late at night, and my eyes would feast on the brilliance of actors like Cary Grant, and the scintillating wit couched in movies like The Philadelphia Story.

Years later, I would discover this wonderful flick was actually based on Katherine Hepburn's own family! Truly an astonishing thought.

Music is a continuing obsession with me. *grin* I play a mean rhythm guitar and sing everything from classic rock and Motown to current hits like "There's An End" by Holly Golightly.

Yet for me it all started with a silly movie by a pop sensation, The Beatles. The scene where 'the boys' record "You're Going to Lose That Girl" took my breath away.

What would I do without television? *laughs* Quirky shows like 30 Rock and The Big Bang Theory along with crime dramas like Life. Who can resist a Zen detective?

Every Monday, I post a motivational essay on my own blog: The Write Soul.

Thanks to all the divas for inviting me into their fold. I look forward to sharing my faves and raves, and getting to know all fans of Pop Culture!

Now, tell me what some of your early favorites were. Any movies, books, songs or shows that inspired you? How about current faves?

Smiles to you all,

Chiron O'Keefe

As a toddler, Chiron O’Keefe knew exactly who she wanted to be—Casper the Friendly Ghost. Finding out such an option wasn't available to the living, she focused instead on creating a life filled with giggles and all things otherworldly. Her books reflect her passion for both the light and the dark. Whimsical stories with a touch of romance and shadowy tales that explore the hidden realms of the psyche.

Her inspiration springs from a diverse background as a professional astrologer, singer-songwriter and comedy improvisational performer. Avoiding the glare of the spotlight, she now dances on an inner stage, where dreams come to life. In addition to her novels, Chiron also pens motivational essays for writers, posted weekly on her blog, The Write Soul.. When asked about her unusual name, she responded, “The name stems from Greek mythology, and very few people pronounce it correctly the first time. Phonetically, it’s Ky-ron. Don’t worry if you stumble, even my “Chiro-practor” gets it wrong!”


  1. Welcome to popculturedivas Chiron! You're a wonderful addition to our group! ;) I too LOVED Hollywood classic movies growing up - Cary Grant - yes! and "The Philadelphia Story" is one of my all-time fave movies! My mom and dad gave me their love of movies. I remember when I watched "Cinema Paradiso" for the first time - it made me think of my parents and the impact of movies on them growing up in post WWII Italy. As for TV shows - well I was a TV junkie as a kid. Everything from "The Brady Bunch", to "Starsky and Hutch" to "Charlie's Angels" to "Wonder Woman" - cartoon wise - "Scooby Doo" and on Saturday mornings they used to run a series featuring mythical gods in modern day or something like that - I recall a kids show featuring the goddess Isis. And then a hero named Shazam? Does anyone remember that show? Love going down memory lane - keeps the little gray cells working!

  2. Hello Joanna!

    Thanks again. I love being part of this wonderful group. You know I vaguely remember Shazam, but can't quite pull it up. Hmmm...

    Oh, yes, a television junkie here too. I watched it all. The movies I love become part of me too. I can quote lines from The Philadelphia Story:

    "You couldn't pay me to live in a dump like this,"

    "They won't." *grin*

    Or Young Frankenstein:

    Dr. Frankenstein digging up a grave: "This is nasty, filthy work."

    Igor: "Oh, I don't know. Could be worse."

    Dr. Frankenstein,
    exasperated: "How?"

    Igor: "Could be raining." (Cue thunder storm)


    My husband doesn't know what to think when I can quote movies I love!! I knew when I grew up, it would either be a writer or an actress.

    Thanks for your comments, Joanna!


  3. Oh! Cary Grant! Love, love, love, him--It Takes A Thief--Sigh.

    As for current pop culture I have to admit I've been hooked into the Twilight craze. Not only the books but I watched the DVD for the third time yesterday...And I'm way old. Ha!


  4. Great post, Chiron...I never read as a child...ever...but I did watch a ton of TV (any show that only took thirty father's decree!)

    I think The Big Bang is pure genius!!

  5. Hi Chiron!

    I dreamed of being one of the Partridge family members. And I remember Shazam and Isis. I loved The Wizard of Oz and still watch it once a year at least. When I got a little older, I was addicted to Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story.

    Along came the 80's and I was a total Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, and Breakfast Club gal. I rarely remember lines from the movies, but I do know the movie sound tracks by heart!

    Right now, I'm like Ree...on a Twilight kick. Good movies/books/music are food for the soul no matter how old we are!

    Enjoyed your post! (And I had to go back and read Kathryn's too about Supernatural. I can't live without that show!)

  6. Hello Ree!

    Ah yes, To Catch A Thief. *sigh* What a charmer that man is.

    The Twilight craze seems to be taking over the world! I bet CBS is kicking themselves now for cancelling Moonlight (those boneheads!!) and they should! Vamps are hot!

    Thanks so much for visiting, Ree!


  7. Hello Tessy!!

    Isn't The Big Bang Theory hilarious? OMG!

    Last night we watched Monday night's episode (thank-YOU, DVR!) and couldn't stop laughing. You're right Pure Genius!


  8. Hey there, Misty!

    Ah yes, the Partridge Family. To be in a musical family!! Heaven!!

    Loved those 80's movies too. Of course, being a early SciFi lover, it was movies like Back To The Future that I couldn't get enough of.

    Yup, books, movies, music, television, we live in a grand and glorious time!

    I'll have to get into Twilight sometime down the line. Right now I'm heavily involved in a certain spy novel called: Operation Sheba, written by a wonderful and very talented author! *grin*

    Thanks for reminding me of my favorite "Brat Pack" movies!!


  9. You mentioned so many of my favorites - books, movies, music - wow! Great post!

  10. Great post Chiron, and welcome to the Pop Culture Divas. Your writing inspires...

  11. Chiron, I loved the Edgar Eager books too - Half Magic! I'm the youngest of four, and my older siblings were listening to Janis Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix, and of course, the Rolling Stones while I was growing up. I LOVE music and I'm so happy that I have an 11-yr old and a 13-yr old to keep me current on all the latest music (I confess, I even like 50 Cent!). My husband is the "old movie" buff in our family. I prefer movies from the 70's forward. Great post and clips.

  12. Hey Kathy!

    Thanks so much! It's always fun to find other fans of my personal favorites. *grin*

    So glad you stopped by!!


  13. Nina, thanks so much. I'm honored to be part of such a fantastic group!


  14. Hey Carol!

    Another "Eager" fan! Yay! Half-Magic! *happy sigh* What an incredible book. My next favorite is Magic By The Lake, followed by Seven Day Magic. A few years ago, I replaced the long-ago copies that had vanished after too many moves. And when I'm feeling a need, I still return to those sweet, magical stories!

    Yum, you named some of my favorite musicians. Yup, older brother and sister here too, which can be quite an advantage musically! Though, strangely enough, when I was six years old, my mom had me shop for albums to give to my siblings as Christmas gifts (and get one for myself, of course!). At age six, I picked out for myself, The Rolling Stones. I'm still quite impressed with that! *laughs*

    Isn't some of the new music coming out amazing? Takes me by surprise how much I like it.

    Thanks so much for sharing your own Pop Culture faves!


  15. Hey, Chiron, I grew up in the Land of Oz, and I didn't realize how great it was until I left. I didn't go far, just across the border into the Show Me state. Grin.

    I loved all of the books you mentioned, and all of the old movies. Do you remember Roy Rogers, Cisco Kid, Gene Autry and The Lone Ranger? I grew up on them, too. Grin.


  16. Chiron you're hilarious! You can quote movie lines and you even throw in the direction too! LOL!

  17. I tend to quote more from TV shows - Seinfeld, Will and Grace - now 30 Rock. "Damn Cheese Stew!"

  18. Hi Sandy!

    Ah, the Land of Oz. What a glorious place it was to live. *grin*

    I think I caught some of the Lone Ranger as a kid. I remember Lassie too and Rin-Tin-Tin.

    Hmm, that reminds me of some of my early sci-fi faves like Lost in Space, The Land of Giants, and The Time Traveler. Is that what is was called? I loved the last one only because it starred "Moon-Doggie" from the Gidget movie. *laughs*

    I think my favorite though was The Avengers! Loved Diana Rigg!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  19. Oh, Joanna, I think we would just have too much fun together! *laughing* We'd drive my hubby crazy, though he'd still pour us more wine (a fine quality in a man).

    Along with those sitcoms, some of my favorite ones to quote were Frasier and Friends. OMG!

    Phoebe: "I'd offer to help but I don't want to."


    I love these worlds that writers create!

    Fond smiles,

  20. Wonderful post, Chiron! My sister and I had a similar belief about Narnia and Aslan - we were always on the serious look-out for a doorway that might open up into Narnia when we were kids. We were big readers and passionate moviegoers. The year 'Star Wars' came out - 1977 - I spent the entire summer with my mind permanently on a galaxy far, far away.

    'Young Frankenstein' is a family favorite to the extreme. If a potential boyfriend or girlfriend was being considered (back in high school,) if they didn't 'get' 'Young Frankenstein' they were dropped like a hot rock.

  21. Chiron ~
    Great blog, wonderful debut to the blog. I'll certainly be back.

    You bringing up all the old movies was great. I am so excited to introduce my 4 y.o. son to things like The Wizard of Oz and all the others.

    I used to watch 'classic' movies while I made dinner, and I somehow got out of the habit. Now, reading your post, I'm reminded that is a wonderful way to intro my son to a bygone age, one that still has something valuable to offer.

    Thanks, and congrats on joining the blog. :-)

  22. Hey, Chiron, great subject! My husband and I both love Young Frankenstein, what a great movie. I must confess, I haven't seen too many classic movies before, like Carol said, the 70s. I loved Shirley Temple movies, of course, and the Little Rascals & Three Stooges, but that's about it. Oh, and the Honeymooners! I haven't seen an episode in quite awhile...I should buy them on DVD. LOL

    And we have more in common than I realized. The Big Bang Theory is one of my favorite shows! The whole CBS Monday night lineup is great. And I also love me some vamps. LOL Have you read Lara Adrian or JR Ward?

  23. Hello Julia!

    Isn't it fun that those of us who truly believed in a magic, faraway land ended up creating alternate worlds within the covers of a book?

    Narnia is fantastic. I loved Wrinkle in Time too.

    And Star Wars, what a fantastic movie.

    I absolutely LOVE your qualifier for suitable boyfriend/girlfriend material! *chuckle* And speaking of Star Wars, on the show "How I Met Your Mother", one of the main characters, Ted Mosby, had his own 'test'. *grin* Any girlfriend would have to love his all-time favorite movie: Star Wars.

    Thanks so much for jumping in!


  24. Hi Kris!

    How wonderful to be able to introduce those favorites to your child! When he hits ten or so, do pick up Half-Magic from the library too. *cough* Can't help but plug my favorite kid's book. Another strange but wonderful one, Elmer and the Dragon. Very cool.

    And when I was a kid I loved, absolutely loved watching old movies. It seemed so magical, maybe because the time was so far removed. Fred Astaire in his top hat and tails, The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young, and the shot-gun bantering of the 30's and 40's!

    And then all those old Disney movies. Remember, The Three Lives of Thomasina? The Moon-Spinners, That Darn Cat, The Shaggy Dog, Flubber and the Absentminded Professor? My goodness, now I'm craving an old movie night!! *laughs*

    Last Christmas, one of my best friends sent me a set of the Myrna Loy and William Powell "The Thin Man" movies. We had a blast watching those!

    Thanks, Kris, for stopping to visit. *grin* Enjoy those precious moments with your youngster!


  25. Hey there Donna!

    Oh my, I forgot how much I loved Shirley Temple! My favorite was always The Little Princess. What a magical movie!


    I'm with you on the whole Monday line up. Yes! Love it, love it. Chuck is still an all-time favorite, no matter how silly. *laughs*

    Methinks I'm a bit behind on the vamps reality (which is strange considering my absolute FAVORITE monster movie was the original Dracula and I so loved Dark Shadows). My last foray was Moonlight, when CBS broke my heart by snatching away Mick St. Claire just when we fell in love... *grrr*

    JR Ward I've heard of and I'm writing down Lara Adrian for future reference! So many books, so little time!!

    Thanks for taking the time to visit, Donna!


  26. Hey Chiron

    Lovely first post.

    I must admit I'm a little out of sync to the childhood stuff. I grew up in the world of Sweet Valley YA by Francine Pascal, and on the other end was the likes of Austen, Dickens and Hardy, the trusty English lit stuff.

    My son loves all the myth stuff though, movies like Harry Potter, Narnia, The Chronicles of Spiderwick, The Seeker. He's still too young to read those but I'm pretty sure he'll get to it asap.

    Again, good to see you here! You fit right in.



  27. Hi Z,

    Thanks! It's fascinating how each of us has our own unique childhood. Everyone finds their individual groove in life, starting to what we're drawn to or introduced to in our youth.

    Thanks for sharing your own influences! Your son will have so many cool books to choose from!


  28. Betty,

    We're so glad you joined us here at Pop Culture Divas! You'll find lots of fun posts here every week.

    Thanks so much for visiting!



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