Something Special for the U.S. Miltary Wives

By Sara Taney Humphreys

Although I am an author, like most authors I have to have a "real job"... until I hit it big and sell my series to Showtime, HBO, Cinemax....I'm open to offers. As Director of High School and Community Relations for The College of Westchester I have been doing more and more work with U.S. Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. I've had the privilege of meeting many of the soldiers, as well as, their families. So when I was trying to come up with a contest that was unique, I thought why not do one just for the wives of our U.S. Military! So here it is.

As a special thank you to our service members and their families, I am running a very special contest for Military Wives ONLY.

This contest will run from June 1st - August 31st and during the contest months I will donate a portion of my proceeds of my books sales to ASMBASTAR a fund for veterans and their families.

How to enter: Send an email to with a picture of you with your spouse in uniform and a bit about what branch he serves in, where you've been stationed, challenges etc. for 2 entries into the contest. If you purchase The Amoveo Legacy email the receipt along with your photo and story for 8 more entries in the contest!

Please put "Military Wives Contest" In the subject Line.

Prizes:Once a week I will pick one entrant to be highlighted on my blog. These weekly entrants are semi-finalists. Labor Day weekend I will select one winner from the semi-finalists.
Grand Prize is to have her name used as a character in one of my books and a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate

First Prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate

Second Prize is a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate

All the details are on my website

** This contest is open ONLY to Military wives from any branch of the U.S. Military**


  1. What a terrific idea for a contest! And I hope you get your "Showtime" deal too! :D

  2. Great contest, Sara! I'll be sure to pop by your blog to see all the entrants.


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