Movies To Look Forward To...Mark Your Calendars!

By Murissa Shalapata

We are already at that point in the year where it is half over, which to me has always been an exciting time for multiple reasons but for the reason most relevant to this blog is that the rest of the year will be filled with tons of wonderful movies until January when Oscar season begins.There are so many to look forward to and the only reason I know this is thanks to my handy little Mac gadget called the iTV installed to my television set by a tech nerd that handles my parents company tech problems. With this gadget I am able to view the previews of many movies that are yet to come out. For example there is a little preview of Toy Story 3 which is coming out June 2010, I also have the preview of Sherlock Homes, Shrink, Nine and many others. In this blog, which is conveniently my one year anniversary writing for Joanna D'Angelo, I have a list celebrating what we have to look forward to no matter how bad are year may have been so far.

This film has already released on June 5th but it in an Indie film and unlike many cities no cinema carries this film and so I urge you to look out for it in your local cinemas. It's about a couple who is having a child and so takes off on a road trip to find the perfect setting to raise their child. This is directed by Sam Mendes and stars Maya Rudolph, whom you may be familiar with from Saturday Night Live, and John Krasinski from The Office. It is bound to be quite funny and charming.

This movie is bound to be another hit by Judd Apatow. It stars Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, both as comedians, however Sandler's character finds out he may die from an illness and he then finds out the diagnosis changes and he is going to live which helps him seek out more purpose in life. This will open July 31, 2009.

This film was supposed to be released in November of 2008 but was rescheduled to July 2009 due to Daniel Radcliffe's schedule which prevented him from being able to promote the film at that time. This will be released July 15th 2009. Be sure to buy your tickets early if you want to get in on opening weekend.

Finally Quentin Tarantino is back with a film that looks good! And it's with Brad Pitt. I am sure we have all seen the previews if we have been to any film recently and I truly cannot wait for it's release which is August 21 2009. This will be an exciting spin on a war that we all know with Tarantino's unique vision and humor.

6. Nine
Here is a musical with an all-star cast I bet you didn't think could sing all that well if at all. I cannot stress how beautiful the cinematography looks in the previews and I am quite eager to see this. Directed by Rob Marshall and stars...are you ready? Daniel-Day Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, Sophia Loren, the list goes on. If the cast doesn't draw you in then you just aren't a movie lover. This is to be released November 25, 2009. Mark your calendars! I am sure this film and it's actors will be nominated for something and that prediction is from the preview!

This film, which I am sure most of you haven't heard of, is on the list because I absolutely love Kevin Spacey and is one of my favorite actors. Kevin Spacey plays a psychologist for movie stars who lives in L.A. His life is falling apart and what I can tell from the previews the stars help him get it back together. It is a premise that contains the theme of community within it in such an impersonal city. This is to be released July 24th 2009.

This film feels like quite a ways a way, however, it'll be worth the wait! It is due to be released on December 25th 2009. How terrible to think of Christmas and winter on such a gorgeous day. It is directed by Guy Ritchie and stars Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Rachel McAdams. It is due to be a lot of fun and Downey is such a great actor.

Very fun movie that is due to be released August 28th 2009. This film stars Bill Nighy, whom you might recognize from Love Actually and was hilarious, and the great actor Philip Seymor Hoffman. It takes place during the 60's and is about an illegal radio station that operates from a boat. It is sure to be a great film.

If you like Woody Allen then you'll be happy to hear that he has returned again as director of Whatever Works. I think the casting director made a perfect choice when he chose Larry David to star as the neurotic main character who poses so much of the same physical comedic characteristics of Woody Allen. However, the previews reveal a return to some of the same themes that you would expect of Allen, unlike Vicki Christina Barcelona.

He Is Back! "Borat was so 2006". Sacha Baron Cohen has returned with a documentary/comedy as an Austrian fashionista revealing the darker sides to society in a hilarious manner. I find his comedy so interesting and I just love how he pushes the limits. I will enjoy this film. Due to be released July 10th 2009.

I hope you enjoyed my list of a wide range of films that are to come! I could list so many more but these are my top ten in no particular order.

Thanks to the following websites for supplying photos for your enjoyment...


  1. I don't know what my deal is but I'm feeling fairly apathetic to this summer new releases.

    I LOVED borat with a burning passion, and even bought the DVD, but I'm afriad Bruno won't live up to my expectations.

    Same with Sherlock Holmes. I love RD Jr. but don't know how I'll like Hollywood turning Holmes into an action hero.

    I will definitely see both of these movies anyways!

  2. Woo! Happy Year One writing for Joanna!

    Harry Potter is the only film I'm waiting for, now that Wolverine is already released. I was waiting for that one forever.

    Enjoyed your list. Away We Go looks like a good one.

  3. Great list!! I'm a huge fan of Krasinski and can't wait to see his film. Thrilled to see previews of others too.

    Downey as Sherlock??? WOW!! Spacey's back? COOL!!

    Thanks for the updates. FABULOUS stuff.


  4. so looking forward to many of these films. You've whet our appetites! great list Murissa! ;D


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