Hi, I'm Erin Quinn (aka Erin Grady) and I'm new to popculturedivas and pretty excited to be here! As this is my very first post, I hope I "do it right" and say something interesting, if not meaningful. To tell you a little about me, I'm the author of six novels, the latest of which was released in August. HAUNTING BEAUTY is the first in a series and will be followed by HAUNTING WARRIOR in May 2010.

There's a story behind the publication of my haunting series. About this time two years ago I'd been chewed up and spit out by the grind of the day job, the pressures of my family responsibilities, finances, the publishing business, and life in general. I took a look around and thought--something has to give. I had the choice of making that something my sanity or my health. And then I read that little known (*g*) book called, THE SECRET.

An avid romance reader, I've never had much time for self-help books. To me, self-help is losing myself in the world of happily ever after. In fact, I was so distanced from the market of self-help that I didn't even know THE SECRET was self-help when I started listening to the audio book. I just knew I'd heard about it over and over, so thought...okay, better find out what it's all about.

What did I discover? A message I hadn't heard before. The idea that I controlled what felt like an out of control life. That I could change my own experience. That there was hope for me. I won't go into all the details, all the little steps I took, but I will say in a nutshell--it changed my life. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling, trying to figure out just how in the hell they're going to get out of this pea soup they're wading through and back to a life where things make sense.

One of the important lessons THE SECRET talks about is the idea that to give is to receive. Now, even I know this is no new concept. I heard it in Sunday school when I was little and all through my adult life. I've always been one to put a dollar in the collection pot, the jar at the grocery store, the pocket of the homeless person--regardless of the fact that they may use it to fund their drug habit. Each time I do this, I think about how grateful I am that I'm not the one standing on the street corner, hands out. (Side note here, did you know that the original term handicapped came from the act of holding out a cap in hand to collect donations?)

I try to live the lessons I learned in THE SECRET and even though I still don't have enough money or time or (some days) a life, I try to focus on the rainbow, not the rain. In keeping with that, I try to make sure that every day, I give something back. Whether it's the $3 donation added to my check out tab at the grocery store or the packets of coffee for our soldiers at Starbucks. I run contests each month on my website, and I always include a "giving it back" opportunity. For every book I sell, I give. This month I have a couple going on--one for the pets and one for the cure. A friend of mine asked, "but doesn't that eat up any profits you'd make." Maybe. Maybe I'm just paying it forward. As the holiday season approaches, I encourage you all to stop at the collection pot and say hi to the bell ringing Santa, add that extra little bit to your grocery tab even though things might be tight at home. Give when you can and even sometimes when you can't. Your life will be fuller and your heart lighter. I believe that you will find what you give comes back in ways you couldn't have imagined.

So what's the story about the publication of my new series and THE SECRET? Well, I think I'll save that for the next post. :-)

Thanks for stopping by! If you want more information about me or my contests for animals or for the cure, stop by


  1. Hi Erin! Welcome to popculturedivas! I've read "The Secret" & watched the DVD - also saw the Oprah eps on it a few years back when it took off. I think it certainly did hit a nerve for many! For me - reading Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" was thought provoking and life changing. When life gets tough I always try to bring myself back to his life lessons - which are timeless and universal. Thanks for your thoughtful post - and definitely can't wait to find out how you came up with your new Haunting series! ;D

  2. Hi Joanna, I enjoyed Eckhart Tolle's A NEW EARTH as well, but it didn't resonate as strongly as THE SECRET--perhaps because THE SECRET was such a compact version of the message.

    So excited to be part of the group!

  3. Hi Erin

    I haven't read the book yet but as soon as I get my hands on a copy, I will.
    But what you say its so true. We creat our own experiences.
    I'm a new romance author, and for so long I wondered what was my purpose in life. And I felt as though nothing went right in my life. Then, all that changed because I put my mind to it. The universe(or whatever greater power) answered to my deepest desires.

    Once you put your mind to it, anything is possible.


  4. MJ, I hope you enjoy my book(s). :)

    I am right there with you--whatever we put our minds too. I think the hardest part is maintaining that focused attention and not letting any doubt worm its way in. As an insecure writer, that can be especially difficult. But I try! I wish you much success with your own writing!

  5. I also lose my focus sometimes.

    But I love writing so much. I'm always learning.

  6. Hi Erin :)
    Thank you for the great post. I loved learning about you. HAUNTING BEAUTY sounds like a great read, and it is on my ToGet&Read list.
    Thanks for sharing,
    All the best,

  7. Erin-
    Wonderful post! You have always shown me the best of attitudes. I missed you at the DR meeting. Hope all is well!

  8. That's a great attitude, Erin. I can't wait to see your next blog entry to see how you applied it to your writing!

  9. Hi RK--thanks for stopping by. If you end up reading Haunting Beauty, drop me a line and let me know what you think. :)

    Kelly, I'm learning (a little late in life, but oh well) that attitude is what makes the world go round.

    Anonymous...wish I knew who you were. :) I was very bummed not to be at the meeting, but since my youngest was inducted into NHS that night, that's where I went. Murphy's Law of course. I'm home with no place to go every other night, but the one night have plans, I have two places to be.

  10. Hi Erin,

    I agree with you. I think The Secret is a great book and believe every romance author should read it. In this industry in particular we need to keep our minds on the positives. See you at VOS in November!

  11. Welcome, Erin - and your post is definitely inspirational, all on its own. I'm a believer in reaching my hand out to my brothers and sisters, as well. We're all in this together.

  12. Welcome to Popculturedivas, Erin! I haven't read The Secret either, but these past few years have learned the hard way to prioritize what's important in life. By helping others, we help ourselves too, I believe. And positivity encourages reciprocal positivity. My dear dad, recently departed, was a wonderful example.
    Congrats on your release, and best of luck with what sounds like a great series!

  13. Hi Alexis, looking forward to the VOS meeting. Hope I have something interesting to say, ha ha.

    Julia, thanks for the welcome!

    Cate, you really have to read it. As you can see, it made a huge impact on me!

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!

  14. Loved your post! I spent one holiday season working for Volunteers for America up in Portland, Oregon. Standing outside in the frigid weather for hours, ringing that bell. I sang carols and smiled at everyone whether they gave or not. Really offered a different perspective to those folks we often just push past in our busy lives.

    I haven't read The Secret but I do know that the essence of its message has been in play for thousands of years. Thought, action, belief, all go hand in hand. Thanks for the reminder!!

    Welcome to Pop Culture Divas, wishing you good fortune with your many books!

    --Chiron O'Keefe
    The Write Soul:


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