Hocus Pocus

by Sara Taney Humphreys

Halloween is next week but it's been haunting my house for about a month. My four sons started hounding me for their costumes on Labor Day Weekend. Well, 3 out of 4 did. My oldest, who is now in high school, claims to be too old for it but will still dress up at the last minute. He'll pull the classic 14 year old boy costume of a "Bum". We all know this is the lazy man's effort for a stash of candy.

As for the other three we've got a Ninja....again. This is the kids fourth Halloween as one type of Ninja or another. Then there's the "master of death"--this translates to a black robe and a medieval looking sword. Finally, there will be the "gangster" with pinstripe suit, very cool hat and a big fat cigar. I drew the line at the tommy gun which made a horrid rat-a-tat-tat noise. If I bought that thing I'd be listening to it for weeks. No thanks.

As a former actress, I have a certain fondness for Halloween. It's a great excuse to dress up and take on another character. And before you ask...Yes....my oldest is mortified by the fact that I dress up. It's a subtle form of payback for those curious pre-school days. You know the ones I mean...when you're standing in line at the grocery store and he asks in a very loud voice..."Why is that lady so fat?!" or "Mommy why are her boobies so big?!" Mortifying my teenager aside...it is a great time to act like a kid with the kids.

In addition to dressing up, eating too much candy and carving several pumpkins-I love to watch a good Halloween movie. My absolute favorite is Hocus Pocus. Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker (Pre Sex and the City) and Kathy Najimy are outstanding as the three Witches.

This is a sit by the fire place with a big bowl of popcorn kind of movie. It's fun, a little goofy and full of the Halloween spirit. Hope you can take some time and enjoy it this year with any little goblins you know.

Happy Haunting!


  1. Hi, Sara!
    Fun blog. Had me giggling, and nodding in agreement.

    For the forth year, my daughter's going as a goth fairy. My son? Last year, he bothered to put on a mask and bloody up some old clothes so he could scare the neighbours into giving him candy. Most likely, he'll do the same again this year.

    I'm with you! Dressing up for Halloween is fun, even if it's something as simple as a spot of OTT make up and a wig. This year, I transformed a WARM fleece blanket into a vamp cape! Brrr, I think we may even be trick or treating in the snow this year.

    Hocus Pocus is a fun movie, totally! Haunted Mansion is awesome,too. We'll be watching both!
    Also, going to the movies at the weekend to see The Vampires Assistant, the kids are excited -- it's not often a Halloween movie comes out for the kids.

    Anyway -- Happy Halloween, have a fun embarrassing your oldest!!

  2. Sara! OMG I SO know what you mean on the costumes! We have Spiderman and The little mermaid if it is warm and a Victorian girl- again if it is cool. Le sigh. I dressed up last year- I was an old time nurse- I actually found one of their old uniforms! This year... I don't know may go a little more naughty! hee hee. but not TOO naughty, just a hint of naughtiness. Ahh now I am rambling.
    But Hocus Pocus is a great movie! And we will be joining Jo-Anne with the Haunted Mansion, and adding Scooby Doo and the Goblin King as well! Once the kids go to bed however it is SPOOKY/Gory movie time!
    I hope everyone's Halloween is a fun filled, safe, yet spooky night!

  3. I had to laugh. My son is going to dress up like a ninja for the 4th year in a row too!

    This year, I'm throwing on a thick old robe, taking a thermos and a hot cup of tea, slipping on my comfy slippers (with the hard sole) and going as, well, a mom before 7 am. LOL

    I know it's cheating but I froze last year in my pirate costume.

    Thank you for the wonderful post.


  4. Love your fond kid-comments-in-the-grocery-store-line memories. LOL!

    The little guy I used to take care of (I was his nanny) didn't stop at Halloween - he was big on dressing up any old time. His mom never minded (she was a costume designer for film & TV, after all.) So we used to take him to the store in his Inigo Montoya stage ('You killed my father - prepare to die')

  5. Fun post! WOW! hats off to you with four boys - they sound adorable! I think when it comes to fun spooky movies I enjoy watching at Halloween - gotta be the Scooby Doo movies- the animated ones. I have such a nostalgia for them as I watched the show as a kid. So I enjoy watching them now with my nephews (4 and 3) they put out a full length movie every week it seems LOL - so lots to choose from. Also love the "Abbot and Costello Meet" movies i.e. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Mummy, The Killer with guest stars Boris Karloff and Bella Lugosi - I'm sure they all had a great time making those movies. And Ghostbusters of course! ;D

  6. My daughter is the only one young enough (10 y.o.) to dress up in my house. She's going as a cat this year.

    Hocus Pocus is one of my absolute favorite Halloween movies!

  7. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a costume obsessed little one.
    I will have to be sure to include the Scooby Doo flicks and Haunted Mansion to our list.

    Joanne...thank you for reminding me about the old school flicks of "Abbot & Costello"!! I will be introducing those to my boys for sure.
    Happy Halloween!!


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