Walking the Red Carpet or Running the Gauntlet - You Choose

by Julia Smith

Imagine it.

You're Gerard Butler.

You studied hard to be a lawyer, but reached instead for the brass ring.

You've carved a nice career for yourself in Hollywood - not an easy job for anyone.

You've got three films out this year and spend a lot of time promoting each and every one of them. That means walk after walk down the red carpet, a glamorous and exciting part of being an A-list actor.

Or is it?

Let's check out some shots from various red carpet walks he's taken:

Red carpet.


Having fun.

Having no fun.

Good times.

With Katherine Heigl

Not so much.

Workin' it.

Endurance match.



Co-stars make the burden light.

With Rodrigo Santoro

Spartan training comes in handy.

Apparently, it's more fun to share the red carpet.

With Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Don't forget to wish Gerry a Happy 40th Birthday today!


  1. Fun pics, Julia! Loved all Gerard's many moods. I imagine stardom takes its toll, along with bringing rewards. He does look good on the red carpet in a tux (or without, ha ha!) I'm behind on his current movies but look forward to catching up. (I may have to go pop in PS I Love You in the meantime!)

  2. Julia!

    I laughed my ass off. You really captured the mood. Thought-provoking, silly, AND enlightening.

    How DO you do it?


    Great article. I loved it.


  3. Cate - I've been following his career since I saw him in The Phantom of the Opera, and one thing that has always stood out to me are the get-me-out-of-here shots that are in every red carpet photo shoot. Obviously, he also manages to dredge up some killer smiles from somewhere.

    Chiron - I have a dark sense of humor. What can I say? Bored Gerry pix make me laugh and laugh. It's probably because I'm also a Scorpio and I find it impossible to keep how I'm feeling from showing.

  4. Julia! Well you have certainly given us a feast for the eyes! Happy Birthday Gerard Butler! Sigh! I don't care whatever the mood - he's deliciousness on a cracker! ;D

  5. Oh, Julia, thank you! This is just what I needed to start my weekend! Loved the pics!

    Happy birthday Gerry! Darn, he's 40 already?



  6. Joanna - 'Deliciousness on a cracker' - LOL! He made good-natured fun about that during the opening monologue on SNL a few weeks ago. He got attacked by a woman doing a Phantom duet with him because she wanted him to take his shirt off.

    Z - Not bad for an old guy, hey!

  7. BTW Julia - you can't have both Richard Armitage and Gerard Butler! ;D

  8. That last pic cracked me up! Gerard is so cute!

  9. Fun post, Julia. I think I'll take one of Gerald in each mood. I'd never be bored. :-)

  10. He seems like the perfect star for your Scottish romance, Julia - what fun pictures.

  11. Jen - I couldn't resist it!

    Shelley - He's got me permanently mesmerized. Don't cure me...

    Claudia - Strangely, the character I've based on him is Welsh. Go figure...


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