"Frankly, my dear...."

by Joss Ware

Ahh. Scarlett and Rhett! What a pair.

This weekend would have been Margaret Mitchell's 100th birthday, so I thought we'd better give the woman a bit of credit for writing a book that has produced one of the most-loved movies, most sexy, rascally heroes, and most selfish but empathetic heroines ever.

Not to mention one of the best, hottest movie kisses ever. Whew.

Although, I confess, the scene that always sets me to quivering is when Rhett sweeps up Scarlett in that bloodred dress and carries her upstairs. We could spend all day imaging how he put that cat-like smile on her face we see the next morning.

If Ms. Mitchell were writing Gone With the Wind today, she'd have written a sequel by now. We'd have demanded it! We'd have to know: did Scarlett get him back?

Heck. For all we know, if Margaret Mitchell were alive today, she might be writing a Scarlett-Rhett-Ashley (or even some better hero than that milquetoast) ongoing triangle, a la Stephanie Plum-Ranger-Morelli, or Sookie-Bill-Eric. Not only would she leave us hanging at the end of GWTW, but she'd probably tug us along for a few books! And we'd love every minute of it.

I've never read the sequel to Gone With the Wind, nor Rhett Butler's People. In my mind, neither of them really count because MM didn't write it.

I guess we'll never know what Ms. Mitchell intended. Dang it.

So, did Katie Scarlett get Rhett back?

I've always felt that, yes, she did. She grew up and realized that, despite his faults and arrogance, Rhett was the only man good enough for her, strong enough to handle her, and willing to handle her. Scarlett needs a man to take her in hand, and Rhett's the only one to do it.

End of story.

So, what about you? Do you think Scarlett got him back?


  1. Ha! Fun post. I have a theory that Rhett was secretly pining for Melanie but had an undeniable physical attraction to Scarlett. I think if MM were to have written the sequel today we'd have Melanie in there to make things a little more twisty. ;D

  2. Gone With the Wind is one of my life-long favorite films, plus I read the book. To say I'm attached to these two characters is putting it mildly.

    I haven't read the sequel, nor have I seen the miniseries based on it, even though Sean Bean is in it and I adore Sean Bean. Like you, because MM didn't write it, I'm not interested in it.

    Having said that, I'm interested in Rhett Butler's People. Why that one and not the other is anyone's guess. It's backstory, and I'm always attracted to those kinds of stories.

    Having tried to get someone in the movie to hear Scarlett call out for Rhett every time I see the film, I hope they will reunite in an alternate universe. Story-wise, I think the only way that could happen would be after a bit of water went under the bridge.

  3. I did read the "sequel" and while it was a perfectly good story on its own, it wasn't the way Margaret Mitchell would have told it. IMHO. LOL!

    So funny how I happened to mention Rhett in my blog post today, too, on my "Chicks Who Love Romance" blog.

  4. OF COURSE she got him back! She had to, becuase, after all, tomorrow was another day. And I'm a romantic and I like to believe in HEAs. ;) Great post!

  5. I don't know if I can live in a world where Scarlett didn't get Rhett back.

    Joss, Your favorite scene is also my favorite scene, even though the sexual politics of that are abhorrent to me in every way. But I love GWTW--it is definitely one of my favorite books, and has been since I was 12 or 13.

  6. Ha, Joanna! That would have been an interesting twist--with Melanie involved.

    She was too good, too uninteresting for me, though, to be rooting for Melanie. Too MaryJane, I guess.

    Jennifer, I agree. Of course she did get him back. She had to.

    And as for The Scene...well, I took it that he carried her up the stairs, but she wanted it just as much as he did.

    Who wouldn't???

  7. I would love it if Scarlett got Rhett back :)

  8. There was a second book of continued of GWTW and I had it..I can not recall the name of it. Can anyone else recall the name. susan L.


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