Forty is the New Thirty

by Sara Taney Humphreys

This week I will join millions of women and enter my Forties. First of the hell did that happen? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was finshing college? When someone asks me how old I am..I actually have to think about it. Inside I feel like I'm about 27. However, outside it's glaringly obvious I'm not. Getting older is good. I mean let's be honest, the alternative is getting dead. So yeah, I'll take getting older.

I was chatting with my baby sister yesterday. She is 15 years younger than I am and about to turn 25. She asked me a very interesting question. "How are you different at 40 compared to how you were at 25?" Well the obvious difference is that now I've got 15 years of marriage and almost as many years raising four sons. As a result I am much more confident in who I am and what I want. I know what I'm willing to put up with and won't waste time tolerating stupidity the way I did when I was younger. At 25 I didn't have the confidence to go after what I wanted in my career. I was too worried about rejection, too scared of what other people would think of me. At 40 I'm a good deal less concerned with what other people think of me. Rejection isn't the end of the world. There's always another opportunity or another road to get to were you want to go.

As I stick one toe into the pond of middle age, I am very grateful that I'm part of a rather youthful culture. A perfect example is the beautiful and unstoppable Merryl Streep. Here she is at 62 and she's starring in "It's Complicated". This is a Romantic Comedy and Streep stars as the romantic lead. How great is that?! I think for women in my Grandmother's generation tuning 40 was the end of youth and the beginning of more settled years. Today, however, I think turning 40 has become a symbol of power. Look at all the Cougars out there in the public eye who show us day after day that turning 40 doesn't mean it's all over. Demi Moore. Jennifer Aniston. Courtney Cox. Kim Cattral. Julianne Moore, Merry Streep, Glen Close, Helen Mirren. These ladies are all sexy, gorgeous, and powerful. They are great examples that self confidence is the best beauty product out there.
So as my own personal milestone approaches...I will greet it with open arms and a wide smile. Bring it on baby!


  1. I live trying to enjoy every moment, to slow it down and really take it in. Because so many other women have said just what you said, "How the hell did that happen? Wasn't it just yesterday..."

    And I'll be damned, it doesn't matter how hard I try. Sometimes, I still wake up wondering how my babies got from newborn to now, how I got from high school to now.

    However, one thing I am grateful for, is that articles just like this have made me excited to be turning thirty soon. Which is far better than the dread my other friends are feeling. I know it's not forty, but still, it means something to me and means I'll be just as excited about forty as I am thirty.

  2. You've got a great attitude Crystal! I have to tell you I feel like I just had my 30th birthday party. It's absolutely mind boggling how quickly it goes by. Embrace 30 and enjoy every minute of it!

  3. Sara, I really enjoyed your post today. I'm an odd-one-out in that I don't pay much attention to looks, other than to make sure my hair is at least combed before I leave the house. When looks become lower on the scale of things, then experience and inner understanding rise to a more prominent place. That's where my head has always been, and I find that as more of my peers make the transition into their 40's, their mind sets match mine more closely than they've ever done before.

    I also think that because we follow the baby boomers, who don't have any interest in slowing down into their 60's, our generation will be able to set aside ideas of putting ourselves out to pasture. I think the young ones will find we're going to give them a run for their money.

  4. Happy birthday, Sara! You're absolutely right, getting older is good. I crossed into my fifth decade and still believe the best is yet to be. Each year brings greater experience and, hopefully, wisdom. The only difference between being 51 and 25 is that I tend to be more careful how I spend my time so I can make the most of it. Enjoy!

  5. Happy birthday, Sara! You're absolutely right, getting older is good. I crossed into my fifth decade and still believe the best is yet to be. Each year brings greater experience and, hopefully, wisdom. The only difference between being 51 and 25 is that I tend to be more careful how I spend my time so I can make the most of it. Enjoy!

  6. Oh, and you experience more technical difficulties, apparently... sorry for the double post!

  7. Welcome to the club - and come on over to my chicksover40 blog. :)

    They say it's the age women are the most reluctant to embrace and the most reluctant to let go. It's fabulous! And that's all I'm going to say about age, except that inside, I'm still 24. :)

  8. Happy Birthday Sara! I agree. As someone who's 41 (yikes) I can't help but agree with you. Yes I feel confident in so many more ways more self assured - more aware of what I want and why I want it. But like you, I still feel young - I still feel that youthful sensibility. I don't look or act "middle aged" so that moniker doesn't apply to me. Thanks for the fun post! ;)

  9. :)

    I should have said, Happy Birthday! Oops.

  10. Happy Birthday!

    I just stuck my toe in that pond a few months ago. Like you, I don't feel 40. When people ask me how old I am, I hesitate, not because I'm thinking of lying but because it sounds like a lie. LOL. Unlike you, I'm single... didn't they say something about lightning strikes being more common than... yeah. ; )

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday! We all only get one day at a time.



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