Cross Marketing with Books & Music

by Sara Taney Humphreys
Soundtracks for movies and television shows are standard. In fact, a really great movie or show is often instantly associated with kick ass music. Well thanks to my old college buddy and DJ John Campbell...I found the soundtrack for Book 2 in my shifter series.

Actually, I had been in a major writing rut. Completely blocked. Book 2, Amoveo Heart was not coming to me as easily as the first book did. At any rate, John wanted to interview me on his weekly radio show and had gotten some musicians who were willing to let me use their music as an intro for the interview. He sent me the links and the second song I listened to stopped me dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe it. It was as though this song was written just for the heroine in Book 2. Amazing! The combination of the lyrics and her hauntingly beautiful voice were absolute perfection. I immediately contacted the artist and asked if I could use her song for Amoveo Heart's book trailer. Gratefully both she and her record label said yes!

Then I had an idea to take it a step further. Luckily, she is located not far from me and as a new musician is looking for new opportunities for exposure. Why not have her play at my book launch/signing? Gratefully she agreed. Amy played at a couple of my book signing events and it really brought a great bit of texture to the signings.

The song that sparked my creative juices and woke up my muse is called "Honey on the Skin". You can find Amy Petty and her spectacular music on her website

John connected me with another awesome musical muse. The Strike Nineteens. TSN are a band of adorable guys from Scotland. Ladies...think William Wallace/Braveheart accent....yummy. Their music is gritty and intense. These darlings actually wrote me two songs! One of which will be on their new album which will be released this Spring. I look forward to checking them out LIVE when they come to the USA later this year.

You can check out their music at

Cross marketing with music is fun and a little outside the box...just the way I like it.

On another note...I am very excited to announce that I am now represented by Forte Associates Literary Management here in NYC!

Sara Taney Humphreys


  1. I love the idea of mixing music with books. And congrats on the new representation!

  2. I find the same thing, Sara. There always seems to be a 'theme' song that resonates with me for each book. Congrats on your new agent!


  3. Great idea Sara! And smart marketing! I remember discovering a gorgeous piece of music I ended up using in a documentary short I made years ago - luckily we got permission to use it. Great feeling that - getting the song you want for a project. ;)

  4. Congratulations on your new representation! And the Strike Nineteens wrote two songs for you...*melting*

    How awesome is that.

  5. Thanks ladies. I've gotta's pretty cool to be collaborating with these guys. They're really fantastic!

  6. I think that is an interesting idea. I typically build a soundtrack of differnt songs to play while I am writing for a particular book or series. Of course some are more obvious in my books than others, but music helps me write. I think it would be great if someone could find a way authors could make a soundtrack just like a movie does. I would buy those CD's to go along with my favorite books.

  7. Really cool idea and what great PR!! Well-done. I'll have to check out those links.

    Congrats too on the Agency pick-up! Woo-hoo! *high-five*



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