A Writer's Plan

By Jennifer Haymore
I’ve just started writing my fourth book for Grand Central Publishing while at the same time starting to promote my upcoming release, A TOUCH OF SCANDAL. I’ve decided to approach the writing of this new book a little differently. First of all, instead of writing every day until I’m too exhausted to eek out one more word, I’m going to give myself a word/page count. Once I accomplish that goal each day, I’m done! No more write-till-I-drop sessions. If I follow my carefully thought-out mathematical plan, I should (a) get my book written in time, and (b) not lose sight of the world I exist in—especially my poor family who really does miss me when I crawl into that cave.

This plan has gone fairly smoothly so far. At times, life does get in the way, which is rather worrisome, but I’m continuing to plug along. My husband has bought the complete Battlestar Galactica series on blu-ray, so after I finish my writing for the day, I’ve been rewarding myself with an episode. It’s so refreshing to go from upper-class 1828 England to gritty spaceship battles! I admit, I almost get whiplash some nights… But I think this plan just might work to keep me from burnout and keep my brain recharged.

What about you? How do you recharge after a long day of writing (or whatever work you do)? How do you keep from getting burnt out?


Jennifer Haymore

Wickedly Seductive Historical Romance

A TOUCH OF SCANDAL, coming soon



  1. Great idea Jennifer! Boy did I need this little reminder today. ;) I've been struggling with my own writing - sometimes get overwhelmed with the "it's all or nothing" feeling but it's good to be reminded about balance and treating it like a job like anything else. Eventually it'll get done. As for my treat. Well, if it's a TV show- usually The Daily Show or ahem an old ep. of Xena (esp. when I need kick-butt inspiration) otherwise I love exploring tumblr - so many terrific posts - both pics and written - it's a great way to pass some time. Cheers!

  2. Wow, from Regency England to the Future does sound like quite the jump!

    My reward every weekend is to play music with my hubby (and occasional guest musicians). It's always inspiring and a healthy release. Fun!


  3. I recharge by taking either a shower or a bubble bath and having a cup of flavored tea. After these..I am ready to go again. susan L.

  4. Jennifer--I began the same plan on my 4th book with Berkley. I have a spreadsheet to track my productivity and when I hit my page count, I'm done. I'm working on book 5 now and promoting book 4 at the same time. If I could just dump the day job, I think I'd be on track. sigh. Good luck with your release and your creation! And wasn't BSG the best? I haven't finished the last season yet, but I loved the first of them!

  5. Cool schedule advice. I think I'll follow it... Though you are right, life does get in the way at times...

    Anyway, my reward at the end of a day of writing is chocolate and a sitcom. Favorites include 'Big Bang Theory' and 'The New Adventures of Old Christine'. They have them On-Demand here on cable. Fab, I can watch it when I want and without pesky commercials. Hurray! Oh, and about chocolate, am not as picky. As long as it's dark and fudgy, anything goes.

  6. Unfortunately my long day of writing consists of jamming as much as I can into the 90 minutes I have before the day job begins, so there's no time for rewards. But after the day job and the dog is walked I reward myself with a long soak in a hot tub with a good book.


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