Spring Break Fever

by Kathy Holmes

Last weekend we saw the beginning of spring break in Las Vegas. Friends in Florida tell me it was spring break at Disney World on their trip last week. It's hard to avoid spring break if you travel any time in the spring - spring break can stretch for six weeks or more, from the week spring officially begins through Easter, depending on school and college schedules in different parts of the world.

When we booked Mandalay Bay for a weekend getaway for this past weeken, we forgot about it being spring break - until we heard the frat boys partying in their room next door, that is. They partied all day long - thank goodness they went out at night - until the wee hours of the morning when they woke us up getting back to their room. lol!

We still had a fabulous time at the pool, the hot tub, the river pool, and the wave pool. It was a glorious 70 degrees, sunny, and the Mandalay Beach pool area was packed - everybody was living in the moment, enjoying a "Fabulous Adult Beverage" (FAB), and nobody was texting, facebooking, or twittering - talk about a blast from the past - so refreshing. We enjoyed two amazing celebrity chef meals - one lunch and one dinner. It was a great spring break pick-me-up for us worker bees.

And that got me to thinking about favorite spring break movies from the past, movies such as:

Where the Boys Are Clip:

Where the Boys Are by Connie Francis (I grew up swooning over this song - my goal in life to live it):

Spring Fever by Elvis in Girl Happy:

Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce

Palm Springs Weekend - California's answer to Florida:

From California to Florida, let's bring it all back to Las Vegas (sounds like my life), Elvis and Ann-Margret around a Vegas pool where it's spring break all spring and summer long:

So, what are your favorite spring break-inspired movies/memories?


  1. Oh, wow! Great clips, Kathy. And your vacation break sounded so heavenly. *sigh* I'm hoping this year to take a break and slip down to the beautiful Oregon Coast. Just seems like too many days slip past!

    I still remember "Where The Boys Are" and to this day that song makes me swoon. And "Palm Springs Weekend" was such a hoot!

    Can't believe that Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce song! Woot!!

    You already named my favorite movies about spring break, although I did catch this silly but fun new movie last year, Spring Breakdown: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814331/

    It will never be a timeless classic but it was worth a few giggles.

    Great post, really made me want to watch "Palm Springs Weekend" again!!

    Thanks for fun break, Kathy!


  2. Thanks, Chiron! Hubby hasn't seen "Palm Springs Weekend" so we put it on our Netflix list - should arrive next - lol!

  3. Yay!!!

    He'll love it. What a great flick. Brings me back. Remember when we were kids and how grown-up everyone seemed?



  4. When adults were adults and kids were kids - or at least, it seemed that way. :)

  5. Fun clips! And sounds like you had a great trip - despite the frat boys. ;)

  6. I loved these clips, Kathy! Two Elvis ones (okay three, but you can't see him in that one.) Where I'm from, everyone heads to Florida, the closest sunny spot. It's funny how every area has its spring break spot. Where do the kids from the spring break places go?

  7. Florida does get the most "spring break" attention, although Fort Lauderdale cleaned up their act and kids probably target Daytona Beach or the panhandle more. Actually, they seem to be everywhere. The state of Oregon has spring break all in one week and you can see the cars with the Oregon plates headed for California - lol.

    Anyway, it was fun to surprise hubby with the Palm Springs Weekend spring break movie because he's originally from the east coast and didn't know about that tradition.

    Thanks for joining in the fun, divas!

  8. I was just watching "Where the Boys Are" a couple of Sundays ago on Turner Classic Movies.

    Another spring break movie you mentioned is one of my faves too... "Palm Springs Weekend". I'll have to keep an eye out for if/when TCM ever shows it. Channel 50 in Detroit used to air it quite a bit when I was growing up.

    By the way, I discovered your blog because Julia stopped by and commented on my pop culture one.


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