2nd Annual U.S. Military Wives & Families Contest

by Sarah Taney Humphreys

I have always had great respect for the men and women who serve our country. Last year, as a special thank you to our service members and their families, I held a unique contest for U.S. Military Wives. It turned out to be an incredibly rewarding experience. I had the privilege of meeting several amazing women and their beautiful families. The war that our soldiers are fighting is splashed across our television and computer screens on a daily basis. In many ways, I think we become almost numb to it all. When that happens, it’s easy to forget that there are real people who are deeply affected by it, people who don’t have the luxury of tuning it out. The families of our soldiers live with the harsh reality of this war every single day. Hearing the personal stories of these families helped me remember that our troops are husbands, fathers, brothers and sons who are immensely loved and sorely missed.

I have decided to make this an annual contest. I am very excited to report that ASMBA-STAR, an outstanding organization for Vets and their families, has agreed to continue their partnership with me.

This year the contest will run from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend. Once again, a portion of my annual book sales will be donated to ASMBA-STAR.

Who is eligible? Well, this year I’ve opened the contest up to ALL U.S. Military Families-- Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters, Wives, Husbands, Sisters, and Brothers. If you have a family member that is serving our country…tell us about them!

How do you enter? Write up a paragraph or two about the challenges and joys of being part of a military family and send it me along with a picture of you/your family member in uniform. Email it to info@novelromance.net

**Entries are welcome from 4/1/10-9/3/10**

Once a week, beginning Memorial Day weekend, I will pick one entrant to be highlighted on my blog. These weekly entrants are semi-finalists. Labor Day weekend I will select three winners. Each of the winners will receive some pretty cool prizes.

Second Prize: A $25 Amazon Gift Card, a signed copy of The Amoveo Legacy and a Team Amoveo T-Shirt.
First Prize: A $50 Amazon Gift Card, a signed copy of The Amoveo Legacy and a Team Amoveo T-Shirt.
Grand Prize: A book signing event at their local Bookstore and the winner will be the special guest of honor. Five free signed copies of The Amoveo Legacy. (1 for them and 4 of their friends) They’ll also receive a $100 Amazon Gift card and a Team Amoveo T-Shirt.

To see last years’ winners and read their stories go to the archives of my blog .
All these details on how to enter can also be found on my website under the “Contest” tab.

I hope you’ll help me spread the word about this contest. I look forward to meeting more incredible families! You can support our veterans and their families by purchasing a copy of The Amoveo Legacy or donate directly to ASMBA-STAR .


  1. Terrific way to raise awareness and draw attention to real life heroes and heroines - the service men and women overseas and their families! ;)

  2. Wonderful contest, Sara! At this point in a military action, regular civilians try hard not to think about what's going on, so contests like yours are gentle reminders to remember those who serve and who do the hardest of jobs.


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