A Dose of Perfection

by M. Kate Quinn

My family is far from perfect. What we excel in as a whole is sometimes the extreme lengths to which we take our drama. It’s not easy being us. But, good, bad and otherwise, it’s the way we do “family.”

Yesterday my neighborhood hosted a Halloween party for the grandkids. I live in an active adult community near the Jersey Shore, and trust me, that fact is another blog for another day. Members of the community went to a lot of trouble to arrange for a petting zoo and a blow-up jump house and other activities for our kiddies. Neighbors interested in providing goodies for trick-or-treaters posted orange balloons on their mailboxes.

I have two granddaughters, Cecilia who’s ten and Quinn, who’s turning one. Ceci, as we call her, was dressed as a multi-colored ballerina in striped hose and a rainbow-toned tutu. Quinn was a little piggy in pink chenille. Together we trudged over to the clubhouse and participated in the festivities then combed the streets going from orange balloon to orange balloon. Afterward we had a dinner of pasta and salad. Sounds like bliss, right?

Well, it didn’t start out that way. You see, I don’t get to see my older granddaughter as much as I’d like because my son and his wife have split up. That’s another thing about our family. The divorce fairy has visited many of us and it makes for frustrating holiday and event planning, but, hey that’s life. So, at the last minute, Ceci wasn’t coming to the party because of a scheduling glitch. It happens. No hard feelings, but man was I disappointed. But, what I didn’t know was that my two sons, two hulky tough guys who manage do a good job concealing their marshmallow centers, conspired without my knowledge. They finagled and juggled and the end result was that two blessed granddaughters walked through my door.

So, yes, it was Halloween yesterday here in my active adult community, but in my house it was Christmas. I’m not sure which gift was better, having both girls’ company or having both sons’ effort that made it happen. Either way it was a perfect day for us and I’ve learned that when perfection comes in doses, it sure is sweet.

Digital Art Courtesy of yaichino


  1. Mary Kate: What a lovely post - I'm so glad you got to spend time with your granddaughters - and what a treat that your sons helped to make that happen. Now, that's the true spirit of Halloween at work! :D

  2. Charlie Brown's friend Linus believes the Great Pumpkin flies through night visiting all the pumpkin patches and delivers candy to all the good boys and girls. Sounds like the Great Pumpkin gave your family a little visit. Sweet story!!

  3. What a great story. I'm glad you could spend time with your granddaughters. And what wonderful sons you have.


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