Hobbies, obsessions. Same Things, Right?

by Kim Castillo

Hello Divas!! It's wonderful to be a part of this lovely group. Since this is my first post I thought it might be fun to get to know each other a bit better. That leaves us one thing to talk about-obsessions!

What I'm obsessed with right now:

Taylor Swift! I've long been a big fan but had only bought a song here and there. Well, Speak Now solved all of that for me. October 25, I ran out to Target to buy their special edition and immediately loaded it into my iTunes. Then my bff, Di, and I got to gushing over T-Swizzle and before I knew it I had downloaded her full discography. That's right. I've got a Taylor Swift playlist and it's been on repeat for a month straight and I'm proud of it. Although I think my husband is a bit sick of it. But that's ok, he'll come around. Eventually.

HARRY POTTER! Sometime today, my 19 year old son, (reluctant) husband and I, along with the rest of the free world will be watching The Deathly Hallows part 1. Woohoo! Even though I know how the story ends, I'm breathless with anticipation to see it come to life. My only worry is that I won't take enough tissues for those sad scenes.

The Big Bang Theory. Bazinga! This is a recent discovery for me and I had to buy seasons 1-3 on dvd. Gil and I had a marathon and I was sad when it was over. I can't get enough of Sheldon and Penny. My favorite episode is the one where Sheldon gets sick and asks Penny to sing soft kitty. Pure hilariousness.

Dexter. Is there anyone who isn't rooting for Lumen and Dexter to hook up? I think not. If they don't, I do believe Vanessa Kelly and I will boycott them.

Stuffing! Thanksgiving is next week and this year I'm determined to make homemade stuffing. For me, Thanksgiving is all about the side dishes. Who cares about turkey and ham? Not me! I want stuffing, corn casserole, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese and cranberry sauce.

Jeni's Splendid ice cream! Holy moly, if you like ice cream, you MUST try Jeni's. I consider myself quite the ice cream aficionado and this is simply the most amazing, glorious ice cream experience you will ever have. Last April when I was in Columbus, OH for the RT convention we went to the North Market. My bff Lindsey had told me about Jeni's at this location and I had to try the goat cheese and roasted cherry. Oh. My. Goodness. I've lusted for it every since. Don't worry if you're not in Ohio. You can order online for home delivery and some (smart) health food stores are starting to carry Jeni's. Check their site for a location near you. You'll thank me later.

Tell me, what are you obsessed with lately?


  1. Good morning everyone!

    Who is planning on seeing HP7 today?

  2. hi kim!!!! yay you're here! ;D

    i love your list. fun post!

    not sure about seeing HP7 today - i hate crowded theatres and long line ups.

    wait a sec. - goat cheese icecream? i'll take your word for it. ;)


  3. Yeah, I'm not a fan of crowds/long lines either, Jojo, but it's been our tradition to go on opening day with each HP movie.

    Yeah, goat cheese ice cream doesn't sound too good but trust me, it's amazing. It's like a cheesecake flavor but a zillion times better. Honestly, I could go on about it for days. :D

  4. aha! well in that case - i'll keep it in mind next time i travel to the US. ;) cuz who doesn't love cheesecake1 ;)

  5. I'm looking forward to HP7 but I don't know if I want to watch it today or even this weekend. Maybe when the squealing teens had enough...

    As for goat milk ice cream, there's a company that makes that at the local farmer's market. It's okay but still too capric to me. I've never tried goat cheese ice cream though. I still prefer Lappert's (which is available in supermarkets around here) because it reminds me of Hawaii.

    My current obsession is Paul Marron, my favorite cover model. No longer am I even slightly embarrassed to be seen holding romance novels, not if they have him on the cover. I go through obsessions so it'll be interesting to see what my next obsession will be (my previous one was anime and manga so perhaps hanging out at the Romance section is better than hanging out at Teens?).

  6. Hi, Kim, and welcome. I'm new here myself.

    I too am obsessed with HP. I've read all the books, seen all the movies, and will again drag hubby to see Deathly Hallows Part 1. Every time I finish a Harry Potter book, I feel sad because I miss his world.

    I'm also obsessed with all things pumpkin, especially pumpkin ice cream. Breyers used to make the most amazing pumpkin ice cream but stopped. Brewsters has good pumpkin ice cream, but not as good as Breyers. If anyone knows who makes a good pumpkin ice cream, please tell me. I make pumpkin pancakes and have pumpkin cream cheese I got from Trader Joe's. I go nuts over pumpkin this time of year.

    A new obsession is checking Amazon sales a hundred times a day. I self-published Logan's Redemption when I got the rights back from Wild Rose. Amazon posts the sales in real time and I can't help myself. I'm constantly checking.

    I also love any dark chocolate from Godiva. A guilty pleasure.

    Thanks for an interesting post.

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