Of Books and Thinking I Can Write

by Rae Lori

November is here! It snuck up unsuspectingly as it always does. I was all nice and settled in October watching my happy Munsters and Addams Family marathon when lo and behold November popped in and it's...ta da! NaNo time. All the familiar excitement and fear that our resident Diva Anne talked about returned and in addition there was something new this year.

On top of NaNoWriMo? Yup! I wondered the same thing but while reading the blog posts it started to make sense. The event goes through the steps of writing a romance novel, prepping it for submission to the right house and then actually submitting it. I dove in head first and have jumped from blog posts to podcasts to twitter feeds and even submitted to one of the challenges. So far it's been a blast and I'm looking forward to today's webinar, which has quickly become a fave publishing item of mine.

It's been a whirlwind week so far but I'm very much enjoying it. In addition to the crazy writing comes the crazy reading. I still am carrying my book addiction and despite trying to cut down on books and promising myself No More Books until I read the ones I have, well (sigh) that didn't quite work out. Because you see there are so many good new books coming out. After practically turning my own blog into a reading blog, I started going hog wild crazy on the amount of galleys, new and upcoming releases to read. I thought my print pile was bad but I think my virtual book pile has officially put that to shame! Still, I'm loving it because I'm reading so many good stuff lately and have added others to my shelves. I've also dove back into the Harlequin communities and rejoined the reading challenge to post all my reviews of the books I've read.

So despite knowing I should refrain from asking this question, I need to feed my addiction. :-D does anyone have any good reads out there to recommend? What's on your reading shelf at the moment?

Rae's Rec Reads:

Man Out of Reach by Rachel Lindsay
Tears of Heaven by Jewel Adams
Excuse Me, Miss by Phillip Thomas Duck

Rae Lori, multi-genre Author & Artist of the Ashen Twilight series


  1. First of all - good for you for participating in the challenges! I tried nanowrimo last year and well - didn't quite get the book done! ;)

    I know what you mean - it's hard to juggle everything you have to do and still find time to tuck into a good book! :( Right now I'm reading Loretta Chase's The Last Hellion - so far so good! But she never disappoints! ;D


  2. Thanks Jo! I think I'm a glutton for punishment because I never finish until after lol. Only when I do NaNo Rebel and working on something else does it work. Oy my brain is weird.

    I haven't read Loretta Chase yet but I may have to check her out as I see some of my Goodreads buddies reccing her. :-)

  3. 'Only when I do NaNo Rebel and working on something else does it work.'


  4. Rae,

    Good luck. I tried Book in a Week once and found I can't write that quickly. I wrote crap just to get the word count.

    I know where you're coming from with too many books to read. I've just bought a Kindle, so like you, my virtual pile is getting bigger every day. There are so many good books on my shelves and in my Kindle that I couldn't begin to recommend one to you.

    Carolyn/Cara Marsi


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