by Leeann Burke

Well it’s that time of the year when you start thinking about your New Year’s resolution. I certainly am. I know a lot of people will be dedicating time to go to the gym or to lose weight. I already go to the gym 2-3 times a week so I don’t need to make that my resolution. As for losing weight well I could lose a few pounds, but I really don’t want that to be my resolution. Why? I wouldn’t last a day on a restricted diet.

Last year my resolution was to volunteer my time to a good cause. I don’t have a lot of time to volunteer, but I found enough to volunteer for my local food bank. I also did my share for the breast cancer cause.

Now this year I’ve decided to make it a more personal one. This year I and a business partner bought Lachesis Publishing and its line. Getting the business back on its feet and expanding it has taken all my extra hours, including my ‘me’ time and writing time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not sad for the loss, but I would like to get back to writing myself.

So this year I have decided that I will dedicate some time once a week, most likely Sunday afternoons, to writing. I am not giving myself a minimum of pages to do on a weekly basis, but I do have to put my butt back in the creative writing chair each and every week.

So what is your New Year’s resolution?

I wish you and yours a safe, healthy, creative and Happy New Year! May 2011 be your year!


  1. Hey Leeann: I have mixed feelings about resolutions - because most of them just fall apart by February. I think keeping an ongoing list of goals - big or small is more my bag - i find it more flexible because they do change over time - and sometimes you just have to let things go.

    But I hope we can all look forward to great things for 2011.

    I know your new business venture will be a success! It's just the kind of person you are.

    Happy New Year!b :)

  2. Hey Joanna,

    As far as I'm concerned resolutions can be big and small goals, like you mentioned. I know that there will be times I won't be able to even put a side a second let alone a full hour or two a week to write. However I am determined to make some changes to allow some time when I do have time. I just don't intend to sweat about it.

  3. My biggest resolution is to finish my YA dystopia. Then go back and do a major revision without bit and piecing the edits. I also want to finish the sequel to Crossed Out.

  4. If anyone can do it, its you Kim. I bet you'll have it all done and on to another project before the end of the year. Just wait and see.

    Happy New Year!


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