Out of this World Themed Weddings

by Rae Lori

It's been said that every little girl dreams of her wedding day. The big flowers, the huge cake, the massive reception, the beautiful gown, those presents, and the perfect guy. ;-) As things usually go, when we grow up the dreams change and so has weddings!

I'm amazed at all the themed weddings that have popped up lately. Everything from the traditional Star Trek weddings (who'da thunk those words would be uttered together one day?) to Disney characters to Lord of the Rings and everything in between has popped up as fans of all kinds of pop cultural items bring in their fave shows, movies, books and tv shows to tie the knot on their special day.

While I've my share of peeks at the Star Trek themed wedding (at the Las Vegas Hilton) and some Disney weddings (during my many Disneyland visits), there are a few that have popped up that  I didn't even know about until I did a good ole Google search. Here are a few that came up:

The Star Wars Wedding

This one came complete with a Vader lightsaber duel, an AT-AT cake and a slave Leia officiant (as pictured). I even spotted a Star Wars wedding with a cake with a scene from Empire Strikes Back where Luke was climbing out of hisTaunTaun. Guts and all!

The Shrek Wedding

This wedding make the UK news when it popped up. The bride thought her husband to be looked like Shrek that they thought they should dress up as the couple for their wedding! I must say the bride's green fairytale wedding dress was gorgeous beyond words!

Disney Weddings
For the longest time, I remember seeing advertisements and commercials about Disney weddings. I was such a Disney kid growing up and the idea of having a wedding with Mickey and Minnie in a beautiful princess bridal dress (preferably in a castle like Sleeping Beauty's) was a long time dream of mine. Those Cinderella coaches that escorts the couple to and from the event was the icing on the cake!

Star Trek Weddings
Whenever themed weddings come up, the words 'Star Trek' are never too far behind. I managed to spot a wedding that had just finished when I was visiting the Las Vegas Hilton a few years ago (not pictured) and the wedding party as well as the bride and groom looked like they had a blast! Like the Star Wars wedding, this special day is topped off with that extra bit of fandom which makes sure that all who are invited remember this day forever!

Renaissance Faire Weddings

Some fans venture back to the past instead of the future, where history is romanticized through chivalry, courtship and tradition. The Renaissance Faire wedding is another popular theme for fantasy fans who love to reenact the Renaissance age.

The Lord of the Rings Wedding

Just a hop, skip and a jump from the Ren Faire wedding is the Lord of the Rings wedding, also steeped in fantasy and chivalry. Fans go all out as their fave characters and even create some of their own tied to favorite kingdoms and famous landmarks from different worlds.

And these are just a few themes I found in my search which also included Halloween themes, zombies, Second Life weddings, Nascar Weddings, Superhero Weddings and Destination weddings (for any locations) to name just a few.

I would love to go to a fun themed wedding that goes all out one day. I'm sure it would be a blast with lots of memories to take home.

Has anyone of our readers ever had or been to a themed wedding? If so, which ones? Let the stories roll!

Rae Lori, multi-genre Author & Artist of the Ashen Twilight series


  1. I was at Anime Expo in '03 and standing in line for registration. A couple of people, there was this couple getting married with a priest and everything. :D Everything cheered when they kissed and then we all stood in line for another hour. A bit of a downer if you ask me...

  2. Very interesting blog. I've never been to a themed wedding and I just don't get them. Imagine how their pictures will look when they've been married 50 years.

  3. Lol! I didn't know they went so far out of the way for weddings nowadays! If I had to choose though, the Back to the Past ones would win for me. Imagine costumes and chivalry, men dressed as knights! That would be up there with your guy dressing up in the tux. :)

  4. I have heard a lot of people do these weddings, but I have never attended one. I think it would be fun.

  5. I agree Leeann. These would be fun to attend.
    Every time I've been to Disneyland I have seen some creative weddings and dresses to go along. In Hawaii there are so many people who come from Japan to get married and they have the most unique and brightly coloured tuxes and dresses.
    I think a movie themed wedding would be my favourite. Star Wars or a superhero wedding lol.

    The Wanderfull Traveler


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