I Heart New York

by Michelle Miles

New York, New York. A wonderful town. The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down. - On The Town

I recently visited New York City for the first time. It was everything I expected and thought it would be. Like walking through a movie or TV set. I was actually there for RWA’s annual conference but spent the first day seeing as many sights as I could.

I stayed in a hotel in the heart of Times Square. There is nonstop lights, cars, people. Even in the middle of the night.

My first stop was the gorgeous St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The exterior is almost as beautiful as the interior. I loved the stained glass windows. But the flat screen TVs mounted on the pillars kind of ruined the atmosphere. Just a little. Still, the cathedral is lovely. I could have spent hours in there.

Next, I walked the twenty or so blocks to Central Park. But of course by the time I got there, I was exhausted and hot and sweating. I didn’t venture too far into the park but I did see the carousel. I rested up a bit for the long walk back. On my way, I saw Radio City Music Hall and Rockefeller Plaza. I walked up 5th Avenue and ignored the fact that I had just walked by the Bergdorf-Goodman store with Louboutins in the window. ;) It was a good thing I didn’t find the Coach store (turns out, I was only about 3 blocks way when I was Central Park – darn the luck).

My last tourist stop was the Empire State Building. I bought the last three tickets from the concierge in the hotel and my gal pals and I headed there Friday night (we skipped the gala for the Empire State Building). It was jam-packed with people. But the views were breathtaking.

I brought home souvenirs for the kid and the man. My son loves his white “I <3 NY” t-shirt. Ya can’t leave New York without one. And I can’t wait to go back!

Michelle Miles writes contemporary, paranormal and fantasy romance for multiple publishers. Her latest book, ONE KNIGHT ONLY, is coming soon from Ellora's Cave. She loves New York City almost as much as her Louboutins and Coach handbags. She plans to go back very soon. For more about her and her books, visit her website at http://www.michellemiles.net.


  1. I was there for my first conference, too, Michelle - we probably walked right past one another.

    *waving now*

    I LOVED New York.


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