Going Hollywood

How to Promote your Book with Videos (Yes, it’s easy.)

By Pamela DuMond

As a writer and a reader, I’m always curious how writers decide to promote their books.

I didn’t publish with one of the big 6 publishing houses. I am eternally grateful to Krill Press, a legitimate but tiny small press who published Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys, my first novel.

I had approximately three months after signing my contract with Krill before my book would be published. I had zero marketing dollars. Ack! What’s a broke girl to do?

Just like the Midwest has great football and awesome food, filming happens everywhere and by everybody in L.A. I had a MasterCard commercial filmed at my house that aired on the Superbowl. (Squee!)

Joe Wilson, creator of Vampire Mob, (a fab Indie TV show,) shot an episode at my house and I was lucky enough to be the chiropractic consultant. Free TV, awesome premise, hilarious, and oh yes, some swearing.


A friend gave me her Flip Camera and it became one of my best marketing tools.

Before I even had a book in hand, I decided to film anything that could be considered 'Cute as a Cupcake,' or 'Scarier than a Dead Guy.' 'Natch the first places I went to were Venice Beach and Hollywood, California. I tried to keep the majority of these videos short and funny. 
Major Celebrity Spotting in Venice Beach, CA

I hoped people/future readers would equate funny self-deprecating videos with my book, which is a comedic mystery. I posted most of those videos on my Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys Facebook page. 

I also posted some to Youtube.

I read an article that said FB friends click more on photos than just a written entry. They also click more on a short video than they do on photos. So, this started to make sense.

And let's see what mayhem ensued when I went to Cupcake Camp L.A. last year. (An awesome Cupcake charity event held in different cities and countries to support different charities.)
(Rock and Rolling Pin Rhonda the baker was a great sport, yes?)

I'd encourage other writers to try this approach. I don't edit the videos - I'm not a filmmaker. But I do think they can punch up a blog, a website, and maybe even help market your books.

I’d like to dedicate this post to Nancy Stallter, my dear aunt who passed away unexpectedly two days ago. Nancy was the kindest most thoughtful person. Her favorite James Bond actor was… Timothy Dalton. (Didn’t I tell you she was the kindest?) Have fun up in heaven, Aunt Nancy because you will be sorely missed on earth. Love you forever.

With great appreciation for all you readers, writers and your efforts. In gratitude... 


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