Fact or Fiction with Misty & Michelle

by Michelle Miles

This month at PCD, we're promoting other authors. When the topic came up, I need immediately who I'd ask to be my promo subject--Misty Evans. She and I are like long-lost twins. Not only are we both Geminis, but we both have numerous other things in common. Like we love to bake.

Today we're doing a Fact or Fiction. Below are five statements from each of us. Three are fact, two are fiction. If you can spot the fiction, we'll GIVE you some fiction. Our fiction! I'm giving away a print or ebook copy (winner's choice) of my latest, ONE KNIGHT ONLY from Ellora's Cave. Misty is giving away the winner's choice of a download of one of her books. Just post a comment with your answers below. Those who post correctly will go into the hat. We'll draw the two winners from the correct answers.

Are you ready? Here we go!

Misty Evans

1. Misty caught the writing bug in 4th grade when she wrote an essay about her dad and won 2nd place in a contest. Her essay was printed in the town newspaper.

2. Misty was a prima ballerina like Zara in I’D RATHER BE IN PARIS. That’s how to she knew how to write about grand jete and pas de deux.

3. Misty believes in soul mates like Kiva and Rife in SOUL SURVIVOR…and she'd big on revenge like Kali in REVENGE IS SWEET. Her soul mate wouldn’t give her a school picture in 5th grade, so she got him back by marrying him.

4. Misty once drove a white Audi CS100 like Julia in OPERATION SHEBA.

5. Misty hates chocolate, coffee and never co-wrote any stories with Michelle Miles.

Michelle Miles

1. In 2000, Michelle entered and placed Honorable Mention (top 100) in the Writer’s Digest Short Story Contest.

2. Michelle has a fascination with all things Celtic, on which she based her first novel on (which has yet to be published).

3. Michelle hates shopping for shoes and handbags.

4. Michelle’s novel, ONE KNIGHT ONLY, originally began as a full-length historical novel with romantic elements. But when her heroine, Maggie, started acting too modern for the role, Michelle knew it was actually a time travel with other paranormal elements.

5. The only sport Michelle likes better than hockey is football.

Good luck!


  1. Ha! This is fun. I'll give it a go.

    1. T
    2. F
    3. T
    4. T
    5. F

    1. t
    2. t
    3. f
    4. t
    5. f

  2. Misty Evans
    1. T
    2. F
    3. T
    4. T
    5. F
    Michelle Miles
    1. T
    2. T
    3. F
    4. T
    5. F


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