A Little Afternoon Delight

Thinking of you's working up my appetite, looking forward to a little afternoon delight.  We all know what the Starland Vocal Band was singing about in this catchy little tune from 1976. (And if you're now humming along to this blast from the past, Afternoon Delight, you just gave away your age.)

Their brand of afternoon delight
will just get you in trouble.
Escaping for some love in the afternoon is a nice thought for a free-wheeling musician who doesn't have to work or go to school. But why can't we hard-working souls steal away for a little afternoon delight? The answer is: We can!

And I don't mean the kind of tryst that Kristen Stewart had with director Rupert Sanders. Stay out of trouble. My suggestion is to download some short romance stories to your ereaders. For cheaper than the cost of a cup of coffee, you can enter an idyllic romance replete with gorgeous locales, heart-thrumming emotion, and intoxicating characters. I download my shorts onto my Android phone. Size doesn't matter. I'm still able to achieve reader satisfaction in small words loaded with passionate moments. 

Download a quick tryst. Be voracious. Some major digital publishers already have a specified short romance line, like All Romance eBooks. The other majors, like Carina Press, Samhain Publishing, and Hatchette's Forever Yours imprint make it a bit harder to find the novellas because they don't break them down by length. Go directly to indie romance publisher websites, and search short stories or novellas. 

One romance publisher is specially tailoring their shorter romances for lunchtime rendezvous. Tomorrow, on September 14th, Boroughs Publishing Group, launches their Lunchbox Romance line with three new short stories: Vertigo by Elisabeth Silvers, Some Like it Haute by Jillian Leigh and The Shop Girl and the Vampire by @First Sight Grand Prize winner, Ciar Cullen. 

Allow me to leave you with another line from the song: "My motto's always been when it's right, it's right. Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night."

Happy Reading!
Kellyann Zuzulo
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