Facebook Pages, How to Use Timeline To Your Advantage

The timeline layout has been around for a fair few months now. I think it's safe to say we're pretty much used to the new 'look'. But are we taking advantage of it?

Newsfeed! Yup, your page now has a newsfeed of all the pages you've liked under your own 'page alas'. How does this help? Well...you can go commenting on pages instead of 'waiting' for folks to simply find you on their own steam. It's a new way to connect across facebook. Use it! Like lots of pages of interest, and shower those pages with likes, comments, and shares...and often. Hit pages up for  likes so you can build your list of page contacts to appear in your newsfeed for interacting with.

Messages! You can also set your page to accept messages. that's pretty awesome. It's another means to connect to readers, authors, and other folks in the industry.

And, the big old elephant in the room. The one we really don't like.
Pay to advertise (OR NOT) your status update! It seems since this little feature came into effect, those folks who opted into our updates are no longer likely to get them. This is so wrong in my opinion. FYI, I've spoken to authors who have used this feature, and got the same results. Still poor viewings for their update. So why pay when you can work the system a little better for similar results?

Get your audience interactive! The more activity you have on your page, the more facebook is likely to spread the word. The more likes or comments, same thing. To ensure your posts are getting out there you should be posting often, keeping material on your page fresh and current. Also, letting folks know how to interact with your updates isn't a bad thing. Keep it simple. Got a book release? Ask them to 'like' the book cover if they like the cover pretties. Or share it if they think the cover model is hot...anything! Simple, eye catching, directive. Those are the key words to getting your audience to interact with your posting.

Images are a quick, easy way to grab attention. Make 'em bright! use them to share favorite lines from your books, favorite writerly/reading quotes, to give release news, etc... not got an image editor? Easy, head on over to www.pixlr.com . It's free. And it's pretty easy to navigate through. When you're creating them, think how they'll look in a newsfeed -- track your own newsfeed for a few days, and make notes of what catches your eye. Use that information to create your own eye-catching images!

Any tips you've picked up from using the new facbeook timeline? Share them here! Things you hate about it? Share your frustrations...hey, and share this post! ;)

Hot Winter Kiss, Irish Kisses book three, now available from most ebook stores!


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