Taryn Kincaid on inner snark and characters butting heads. #writing #newrelease

by Taryn Kincaid

One of the things I liked the best about writing HEAT WAVE, the hottest and snarkiest of my Sleepy Hollow 1Night Stand stories for Decadent Publishing, was exploring the character of the heroine, Zena Night. Loved having her butt heads (and other body parts), with the grim, unemotional hero,  Bhyrne Night, the succubus queen’s enforcer  who’s arrived on the human plane in Sleepy Hollow to fetch the wayward succubus princess back to demonville. 

Writing Zena, who is on her knees and way over-the-top when we first meet her in HEAT WAVE, let me give free rein to my own inner snark.  (Yeah, so I might be a little sarcastic at times in my regular life.) Zena’s naughty, and a smart-ass, and thinks nothing about cracking wise to get a (cough, cough) rise out of the hero. 

She really let me have some fun, something I appreciate in a character! 

Hope you enjoy Zena as much as I (and, Bhryne, of course) do!

Sent into the human realm to retrieve prodigal princess, Zena Night, Bhyrne Raines is shocked and unprepared for his carnal reaction to the sexy succubus. In service to the succubus queen,  the rugged enforcer must stifle the instant passion exploding within him. Fulfilling his royal duty doesn't allow for quickie dalliances. His biological clock is ticking, and he begins to enter breedspawn, an intense and unstoppable frenzy of mating all fire-demon males must endure. But the more he wants to avoid Zena, the more he’s drawn to her. 

Reluctant to give up her carefree life of partying among the mortals when the hot-as-sin Bhyrne comes to fetch her for the queen, Zena uses her succubus wiles to entice him, or at least delay the inevitable trip to the royal court. Once in the demon stronghold, hidden deep within the Catskill mountains, she learns the reason for the summons: she must choose a consort within two days.
Zena needs a mate. Bhyrne needs to mate. With time running out for both of them, they each turn to 1Night Stand. With time running out, can Madame Eve come to the rescue?

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Taryn is an Olympic caliber athlete egg roller and spends a great deal of her time petitioning the U.S.O.C. to introduce a fantail shrimp competition. When she's not bungee jumping off the Palisades or parasailing up and down the Hudson River, she devotes her time to caring for her aging pet walrus, arranging her voodoo doll-pin collection and practicing rhythmic chants. At this moment, she is busy sweeping up the loose masala chai tea leaves she spilled all over the kitchen floor. (Probably because she needs COFFEE.) Wait. Is that something…sparkly?
Taryn hangs around a lot on Facebook and Twitter with her trillions of fans and pops in at Goodreads from time to time. You can catch her on her website, http://tarynkincaid.com, and her blog, http://dreamvoyagers.blogspot.com where she lives for comments!


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