My Own Mr. Right

My husband and I are celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary tomorrow.

The photo above was taken when we were in the first weeks of the change in our relationship, from a two-year very close friendship into romance.

At the time, both of us were in shock that it turned out we were in love with our friend -- who knew? Apparently, everyone but us. Absolutely no one was surprised when we told them the crazy news.

Every bride hopes that their wedding day will be something they can honestly say was one of the best days of their lives.

It's very true for me.

Fast forward two decades plus a little bit, and my husband and I were waiting for the bus and taking a selfie to record Day 10 of our 100-day A For Adventure Challenge.

A woman also waiting for the bus offered to take our picture for us. Then she said she aspired to one day have the kind of relationship we did.

I can honestly say that her words have touched me deeply. Someone who only met us for the briefest of moments picked up on our delight in being a couple, travelling through life side by side.

I wish she does find the kind of relationship she dreams about. Even though I lived on my own as a young woman and cherished my time in finding out who I was and what I was made of, the years I've spent with my husband have made my time here on Earth a dream come true.


Were you friends with your partner before starting your romance?

Photo by Helen Tansey
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