Mystical Moments - Book 2 in the Mystical Series

From the writing desk of Christine Mazurk

As I prepare to write my next book, I'm re-examining the details in the first book of the series: Mystical Connections. It's important to pick up all of the tiny details for the side characters as their stories will be told next - first Anya Quinlan's, then Rory Jenssen's.

Anya Quinlan takes the spotlight in Mystical Connections for a brief moment as she graduates from culinary school and follows her dream of opening her own pastry shop. She then gracefully sidesteps to let Jenna and Aidan have their moment - or in their case, moments!!

Mystical Moments will continue Anya's journey as a pastry chef. She'll learn the ups and downs of running her own business, while dealing with a not-so-silent partner, and the pesky, but handsome project manager in charge of finishing the renovations in the building her bakery occupies.

On top of her day-to-day balances, she learns she has a unique gift, one she's not sure what to do with... She seeks help from her friends and family, who lend moral support but are just as clueless as Anya is in this situation.

I won't say any more as I don't want to give too much away, but if you haven't met Anya, you may want to pick up a copy of Mystical Connections to get acquainted. Mystical Connections is available in eBook and paperback from your favorite retailer:,,, Kobo, and more. Simply search Christine Mazurk or Mystical Connections to find it.



Jenna Nichols paced in front of the large picture window in her office, excitement mixing with a pinch of nerves in the pit of her stomach. She stopped to stare at the bay, trying to clam herself. The San Francisco fog had dissipated not more than thirty minutes ago. The vast body of water, now tranquil.

Though Jenna looked forward to promoting her newest release, a knot of trepidation fluttered through her, making it difficult to breathe. Book reviewer, Carla Wren, known for her no-nonsense approach to interviewing, did only exclusives. Her agent, Kira, pulled some strings to book this.

Why was she so nervous? Was it that Carla was late or was it a sign? Her morning run along the Embarcadero to the Golden Gate Bridge didn't ease her stress, and pacing now didn't help.

She knew the characters better than anyone. No one else could describe her story better than she. After all, they were her creation--or her channel to the special revelations sent to her to share with the world. A sharp knock at the door pulled her attention, and she turned to greet the journalist.

The door opened, and in stepped a younger, much hunkier, and oh-so-sexy version of Kevin Bacon. His blue eyes stopped her in her tracks like lasers cutting through steel.

"Ms. Nichols?" His top lip lifted to one side as he smiled, though his eyes remained cool. He sauntered over. "I'm here to discuss your new book, Destiny's Power."

She glanced up at the man before her. Light brown, finger-combed hair lazily framed his lean face, as his electric blue eyes flicked over her body. She wore a simple pants suit of black and cream over a solid black tank, but for a moment, she felt naked.

Her pulse skipped, and she felt a sizzle of warmth shimmy down her spine. When his gaze zeroed in on her face, she swore he looked straight through to her soul.

"I was expecting Ms. Wren." Her tongue tripped over the syllables, and heat kissed her cheeks.

"Yes. Unfortunately, on her drive here, she got side-swiped, landed her in the hospital. They sent me in her place." He reached out to shake hands. "I'm Aidan Scott. Can't say I'm happy about this assignment, but you want to get started?"

                                                                         *   *   *

Learn what happens during the interview between Jenna Nichols and Aidan Scott, and then follow them on a journey that will change their lives ...

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