What does chocolate and J.K. Rowling have to do with writing romance novels? A lot!

more-than-charming-500x724Today we chat with JoMarie DeGioia and find out more about her writing. JoMarie writes historical romances with a touch of mystery for Lachesis Publishing. And her books are always on the steamy side. Her Dashing Nobles series follows the love lives of four male friends in Regency London.

What was your favourite book as a child and why?
51KB0SR7CZL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Ramona The Pest! She’s spunky and eternally optimistic. I never really thought about it, but that’s how I try to live my life.

Who was your favourite teacher growing up and why?
My third-grade teacher Mrs. Bayas. She was one of the few lay teachers at my Catholic elementary school, so it might have something to do with the fact that she dressed like my mom and not in a habit, lol. And even though I blamed her for noticing I needed glasses, she gave me a love of reading.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Why?

more-than-passion-500x724I was always writing, even as a child. I didn’t know it would be my chosen career, though. That came when the story for More Than Passion was in my head when I woke up one morning. It was when my second daughter went into kindergarten, which apparently gave my mind the freedom to imagine again.

Who in the writing/publishing world do you admire and why?

I admire J.K. Rowling for persevering and giving us the incredible world she created. She’s a legend in her own time, along the lines of Mark Twain and Charles Dickens. She’s classy and positive, and what’s not to admire?

Tell us about your daily writing routine – what do you typically do every day?

I try to produce between 2-3,000 words per day. Weekdays, usually. With a weekly total of at least 10,000. I usually write after doing my social media stuff in the morning, emails, Facebook, etc., then dive into my current project after reading through the last session’s work.

What is your favourite snack or guilty pleasure food that you (may or many not ;) indulge in when writing?

Begins and ends with chocolate for me. That’s why I try not to have it in the house very often!

What does “writing voice” mean to you? Describe your own writing voice.
I’ve been told my voice is spunky and sassy and, at times, humorous. Deep point-of-view is my goal, so if the scene calls for passion or danger, I like to think I convey that as well.

What do you want to accomplish in the next five years in your writing career?

I would love to have a body of work people enjoy in several genres. I’ve been fortunate enough to have readers contact me about my books and that’s the most rewarding! I hope to be an author people can count on to entertain and excite, no matter the genre.

Connect with JoMarie DeGioia online on her web site and on facebook and on twitter.
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